Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Open Source Knowledge

The article below is terrific, with lots of great graphics. I live in Asheville, NC, where open source coding is king. A local technology group called Meet the Geeks ( ) was able to put up a technology portal in one month, from concept to execution, by using an open source application. The article is about ideas in general, not about code specifically, but the principle is the same. Shared knowledge causes synergism and explosive advances. Just ask scientists...!

Source: Robin Good's Latest News; 7/12/2006; 10:46:07 AM.Intellectual Property vs. Knowledge Sharing: Who Gains?. "Professionals" in any field come in two flavors: Knowledge Sharers and Knowledge Hoarders. The hoarders believe in the value of their "Intellectual Property" (IP). The products of their mind must be carefully guarded lest anyone steal their precious ideas. Photo credit: Linda Bucklin But let's face it -- if our only "strategic advantage" is our ideas, we're probably screwed. Or as CDBaby's Derek Sivers put in in this post: "It's so funny when I hear people being so protective of ideas. (People who want me to sign an NDA to tell me the simplest idea.) To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions."...


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