Tech Writing--Money, Honey!
"Technical Writer" Ranks 13th on Money's Best Jobs List. Money magazine's list of the 50 Best Jobs in America includes three job titles commonly held by technical communicators: technical writer (number 13), curriculum developer (18), and editor (19). [Society for Technical Communication]
STC's 2005 Salary Survey. STC's 2005 Technical Communicator Salary Survey (STC Members Only) [Society for Technical Communication]
2005 Survey of Australian Technical Communicators. Results of the latest technical communicators survey conducted by the Australia Chapter of STC are now available. We surveyed salaries (hourly rates for contractors), and other aspects of people's work, including their education and experience, what they produce, what they call themselves, and so on. [Society for Technical Communication]
Convinced there's money in tech writing, check out:
Technical Communication Career Center. STC's new Career Center, a far more advanced version of the Society jobs database, provides a comprehensive resource for job seekers. Post your resume today! [Society for Technical Communication]
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