Orr's Aphorisms™08/08/2006 (updated weekly)
- Use just the right amount of pictures. If three pictures are good, that doesn't mean fifty are automatically good. Using no picture is usually not good.
- Graphic flow-chart overviews with screen captures in PowerPoint® are a powerful way to give the BIG picture.
- Graphics must always have a cognitive purpose, not merely a decorative one.
- Graphics and fonts are for emphasis—too many ruin the effect.
- Call-out labels increase the value of illustrations immensely.
- The eye is drawn first to the area containing the greatest mass of high contrast of light and dark on a screen or page. This is the principle behind headings and most graphical elements on a page or screen.
- The eyes of people in Western Civilizations go left to right, top to bottom on a screen or page.
David Orr is an award-winning instructional designer with 23 years experience designing and developing technical training for Fortune 1000 companies.
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