Monday, August 28, 2006


Assumptions are deadly in business. 1. We assume something has been done, that has not. 2. We assume something has not been done that has. 3. We assume someone believes something that they don't. 4. We assume someone knows something that they don't. 5. We assume someone doesn't know something that they do. 6. There may be other examples, but you get the idea. Here's a user interface designer's experience with assumptions.

Attack of the killer Assumptions (and how to overcome them)0 Comments Published August 22nd, 2006 in user experience, process, Carrie Bradshaw moments
Assumptions are something we battle in kinds of ways. I know when I was doing more project management, trying to get a handle on project assumptions and documenting them was a necessary challenge. Understanding and documenting assumptions was critical to managing my client’s expectations, and making sure that it was actually possible for me to […]


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