Wednesday, January 23, 2008

How Much CO2 Is Saved Through Videoconferencing?

The answer is a lot! Check out the experience of one company in the article below.
clipped from

North Carolina-based Global Knowledge Training for instance has already
estimated a 4.4 million Lb reduction in CO2 each month by choosing web

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At 6:30 AM, Blogger Riteshjha said...

i think its good idea through Web Conferencing we can easily convey the message and also get information that how can we save co2. its also a cost effective way to waking people about pollution.

At 4:49 AM, Blogger MySpace Design said...

Great stuff!

At 8:01 AM, Blogger David Orr said...

Yes, it doesn't make sense to have expensive ecological conferences with celebrities flying in on personal jets that waste fuel and put CO2 into the atmosphere. The same information could come over web events that are properly promoted with videos and articles as take aways that attendees would share virally.

Thanks for your comments!


At 6:03 PM, Blogger MJ said...

I think that using web conferencing as a travel alternative makes sense. (Another, possibly even more powerful, travel-reduction tool is when the CEO/CFO/COO mandates "No more travel!") Web conferencing will never replace the full experience of in-person contact so I say web conference lightly in situations where relationship-building is one of the objectives.


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