How Much CO2 Is Saved Through Videoconferencing?
--a blog for people responsible for improving communications within a business--large or small. Content benefits managers, project managers, organizational development professionals, instructional designers, user experience/interface specialists, business writers, and technical writers (c)Copyright 2007 by M. David Orr
The average business metrics improvement after a usability redesign is now 83%. Six years ago, we conducted a survey of design projects and found that, after cost has remained approximately constant, as the benefits have decreased. Typical business metrics include: |
By Stephen Lieb from VISION, Fall 1991 Part of being an effective instructor involves understanding how adults learn Adults are autonomous and self-directed. Adults have accumulated a foundation of life experiences and Adults are goal-oriented. Adults are relevancy-oriented. Adults are practical, focusing on the aspects of a lesson most useful As do all learners, adults need to be shown respect. Motivating the Adult Learner Barriers and Motivation Learning Tips for Effective Instructors |
Patterns in UI design ... The central notion behind Gestalt theory is the idea (or assumption, as some |
Here are a few things I've seen done that make Microsoft Word templates very helpful--especially for longer documents like user manuals, participant guides, instructor guides, and policy and procedures guides.
David Orr
Sometimes companies need usability tests with multiple users and need them FAST. This article has some strategies for handling such situations.
Multiple-User Simultaneous Testing: MUSTDid you see the movie A Beautiful Mind? I think the Nash equilibrium (governing dynamics) shown in the bar scene, with the guys trying to get girls, applies in the relationship between employers and employees--i.e., if employers make decisions that balance what is best for the company and what is best for the employees, the result is optimal for both. Same thing goes for employees; however, I think the employer must initiate the process to develop the trust needed for employees to do the same. Why the employer? Because the power balance favors the employer; thus the employer is the only one who can eliminate fear by being just.
Formal instructional design processes, like the standard ADDIE system (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate), have long been responsible for creating expensive training. In a manner similar to the movement away from cumbersome, linear, waterfall software development systems to more "lean," iterative methods, instructional design is moving to lean methods also.