Social Networks are Killing Email
Source: Usability In The News; 7/19/2006; 2:32:46 PM.
Social Networks are Killing Email. Evolution of social networking and IM are reducing email use..." According to my friend Bill, who teaches there, 92% of the 45,000 students at Michigan State University have Facebook accounts. That's a lot of people! Probably more than passed their latest finals, or more than will graduate on time. In addition, so many students use chatting tools and social networking sites that MSU is even considering phasing out the #1 internet tool of the last 30 years: email accounts. Because students are online all the time and messaging through other means, there is little need for personal, school-based email accounts. Everybody simply uses the built-in tools in the virtual spaces they inhabit.When I was in school it was all about email. You'll have an alumni email account for life, I was told. There was an assumption that I would need an email account for life. Maybe that's not true anymore." continued ... (Via Bokardo)
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